Restoring the sound you love

Audio Repair Services for Consumer Electronics and Home Studio Equipment

Welcome to Petry Audio Repair, your place for audio equipment repairs.

With 25+ years of experience in repair, and manufacturing R&D, we specialize in repairing audio devices to ensure the best sound quality for your gear.

We provide excellent quality at a reasonable price to restore or repair your vintage equipment to its “new” condition. Whether 20, 30, 40, or 50 years old (or older), your equipment needs to give you the sound you love.

We repair newer equipment, also.

P.A.R. specializes in restoring and repairing turntables, reel-to-reel decks, amplifiers, cassette decks, and other units.

Owners have trusted us to repair and restore their silver face Kenwood amplifiers, Kenwood turntables, silver face Pioneer reel-to-reel decks (later RT series especially), black & silver face guitar/bass amplifiers, and many others.

We also work on guitar and bass instruments electronics. While P.A.R. does not handle wood repairs, we can provide recommendations for specialized craftspeople who can.

Contact Petry Audio Repair using the included form, or call us at 614-599-3019 today!